I created this blog with the name "FORGET MY NAME" in 2019. I decided to be anonymous at first. Then, at some point, I changed my ...

016 : Feeling So Weak And Powerless

I created this blog with the name "FORGET MY NAME" in 2019. I decided to be anonymous at first. Then, at some point, I changed my mind. It's okay if people know. Forget my name is symbolic of my name will vanish or fade away. I will disappear or people might forget me. It's like Hermione wanted her parents don't know she actually exists. In the Harry Potter series, She used the 'Obliviate' spell on her parents.

Today, I changed this blog name to "SOFIE LUTHOR". I want the world to know all the stories are about me. It's very hard to open up my feelings and emotions to anyone. It's frightening me. I'm afraid people might judge me, drop the bad comments, laugh at me, and talk about me behind after they read my stories.

But, yes. People like this exist and I need to be strong and brave to overcome the fear. I knew I need to find a licensed or trained therapist to cope with my mental issues but I can't afford the cost. So, I choose to blog. Publicly. I'm tired bottle up my emotions. I'm done with bottles. I want to share my struggles. I know it's can be tough. But let me try using this method. Blogging without filtering anything.

I took ages to do this because telling people about my true feelings, negative situations, and bad emotions make me feel weak and powerless. It's terrifying.

But, being a melancholic person is more than terrifying. I'm thinking about the end of the world almost every day.